home > te anau" > FAQ   How do I get to Fiordland?
Te Anau is accessible by State Highway (SH) 6 & 94 from Queenstown (2 ½ hrs drive), SH’s 1 & 94 from Dunedin (4 hrs drive) or via two options from Invercargill the Southern Scenic route or State Highway 1 & 94 (both between 2 –3 & 1/2 hrs driving). Queenstown, Dunedin and Invercargill all have regular scheduled domestic flights. Regular coach connections are also available from each of these centres. Te Anau airport also has three inbound DC3 trips three times a week over peak season connecting with Queenstown, plus charter flights available.

Sounds or Fiords?
Fiordland's West Coast is deeply indented by 14 fiords spanning 215 km of coastline. A true "Sound" is a river valley that has been drowned due to the land sinking below sea level. Fiords are created by glacial action that produces u-shaped valleys with steep cliffs. Fiords are also characterised by shallow entrances that slope quickly seaward to deep water. Although the famous Sounds continue with the misname, the region was renamed Fiordland to recognise this error.

Do I need to book in advance?
In the Peak period between October and April it is very important to book your accommodation and activities in advance to ensure you secure these. Te Anau can get particularly busy in February and it is a long way to the next town if you have not already made accommodation bookings. There are times over the summer months when both Te Anau and Manapouri accommodation properties fill up.

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